The Personalvorsorgestiftung der Feldschlösschen-Getränkegruppe provides the follow-ing statutory benefits for the employees of the affiliated companies:
- It safeguards your old-age pension or, alternatively, guarantees payment of a lump sum, the amount of which can be freely chosen, at the time of your retirement.
- It ensures that pensions or a flexible lump sum are/is paid to your relatives should you die before you retire.
- It pays pensions in the event of disability.
- If you wish to purchase residential property, you can apply for an advance payment of a lump sum up to a specified, statutory maximum amount.
- Your pension fund also supports the setting up as a self-employed person by paying out the accumulated capital either in part or in full.
- Should you leave Switzerland permanently, the savings capital, i.e. the so-called vested benefits, can also be paid out – subject to certain restrictions. Link to liaison office site
- If you change jobs, it ensures a smooth transfer of capital to the new pension fund.
The contractual relationship is terminated if a lump sum amounting to all of the savings capital is paid out.